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Student Health Management

Student Health Management, or SGM for short, is the health management service for you students to promote your individual health and strengthen your personal health skills.

© SGM ​/​ TU Dortmund

Why SGM?

The SGM aims to positively promote the health of students and increase their ability to study and improve their study conditions.

We focus on four main topics: exercise, psyche, socialization and nutrition. Within these topics, various offers are currently being implemented or presented at a glance.

In principle, a holistic approach is envisaged with health promotion and disease prevention tailored to needs and requirements, whereby both behavioral and preventive offers are created.

Your study circumstances and study conditions should take your health needs into account in such a way that they have a positive effect on your performance. In particular, the direct and targeted approach and the creation of low-threshold offers are the focus of implementation in order to reach as many of you as possible.


The SGM is currently being set up and expanded. Students and teaching staff are welcome to contribute their suggestions, topics, wishes and ideas by contacting Marcella Terhorst, bewegung.hsptu-dortmundde.