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Studentisches Gesundheitsmanagement


With around 80 different sports and 300 weekly sports courses, university sports already offers a wide range of activities.

In addition to the course program, there is also the opportunity to train in our campus gym, the Fitnessförderwerk (FFW). Just take a look.

Here you will find the varied university sports program as well as further information about the FFW.


You can't decide or are still looking for the right sport? The Uni-Sport-O-Mat will help you find the sport that suits you best.


Movement is also possible during lectures. Our Studi-PEX the active learning/teaching break, provides you with a low-threshold, health-oriented exercise program.

This is a 10 to 15-minute movement unit that is led by qualified trainers before or during the event.


The aim is to improve your ability to concentrate and increase your performance through selected mobilization, strengthening and stretching exercises. The aim is to initiate “moving” teaching and make it easier for you to learn and stay healthy. After the moving break, you can continue to study, learn and work with renewed energy. No change of clothes or materials are required.

The offer is available to you free of charge. Both individual and regular appointments can be requested by teachers, lecturers or students via bewegung.hsptu-dortmundde.